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Terima kasih Bali

This is a bitter sweet post... as I wrap up my last night in Bali (appropriately concluded with shots and sunset drinks at La Plancha), and looking back on my time spent here. I'm blown away by my experiences thus far, they truly feel like a dream. I reflect back on all the memories and friends made, I can honestly say without a doubt, there is not a single thing I would change. Ok, on second thought...maybe being shit on by a monkey, could of done without that one (there is no spiritual significance to this, I simply just got shit on).

I had no idea what to expect when I came to Bali. Sure you get a laundry list of things you "have to" see or do, but how you see or experience them differs from one individual to another. For me, this was the balance I needed! I expanded my cultural awareness, extended my social network, and realized I'm capable of a hell of lot more than I gave myself credit for (except paddle boarding, as expected, I sucked and have the wounds to prove it).

I would say I've been somewhat sheltered in my previous travels, or maybe just had a stick up my ass and was afraid to get my hair wet. I realized if I was going to do this the right way, I needed to just let go and stop being so afraid (or uptight). It's incredible to see what is out there when you step outside of the box (or the cubicle). I've seen more temples than I can count, made a "heap" of new Aussie friends, rode an elephant, was blessed at the hindu temple, toured half the cities of southern bali on the back of a scooter, received a traditional Balinese massage (be prepared, somewhat invasive), and seen some of the most breathtaking sunsets, all in 2 weeks!. I'm incredibly grateful and can't believe this is only the beginning. I feel dehydrated... I've only begun to quench my thirst for travel. Next stop, Thailand... not sure this will be as much of a spiritual experience as Bali (I've been warned of the ping pong shows, and lady boys), let the adventures continue!

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