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"No Plan, Plan"

And so it begins...! I know a lot of you have been asking when I would be posting my blog, so I figured my 9 hour layover in Qatar was as good a time as any! Especially since Ramadan has forced sobriety upon me (note: it is frowned upon to try and sneak alcohol). So my friend, Kathryn, and I (pictured on the left) now find ourselves posted up in the Oryx Lounge trying to pass the time.

This is very much a surreal experience ... if someone would have told me I'd be writing a blog in Qatar on my way to Bali, I would have said they were out of their F'N mind. I am usually a pretty private person and am certainly not in any way, shape, or form a writer. With that being said, you won't find these posts to be professional and chances are you will find several grammatical errors (so if you are anything like my sister or friend, Kate, you're going to have to put the red marker away and let it be). My intent is for this to just be me! I will write just like I talk, which many of you know isn't always tactful or politically correct. I've been asked if I'm ok, if this is some type of quarter life crisis and what my plan is? The truth is I don't have a plan (hence the " No Plan, Plan"). I may have completely lost it, but I will tell you if I never have to hear "circle back", "taken offline," or have a call for a call again, I'll gladly place myself in a padded room.

All jokes aside, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared shitless! Sitting here, in this moment, has given me time to reflect... not just reflecting on the "good-bye" binger that ensued this past weekend (although I'm fairly certain my actions were comparable to an uncaged animal). I'm reflecting on everything I've worked for up to this point, everything I might be giving up, and everything I have to look forward to in the future. For a moment I've allowed the fear of being unemployed to set in, and before reaching for a Xanax I realized fear will not be what paralyzes me, but instead will be what motivates me. I've come to the decision that if I fall flat on my face that's ok too! Failure tends to be more public entertainment these days than success, so if I'm going to fall it might as well be hard. I also believe failure is a necessary evil when trying to achieve your dreams. So here we go, Day #1 on the " No Plan, Plan." Not sure where I'm going, or what I'm doing, but I'll figure it out along the way!

Side Note: I would also like to say thank you to everyone who has sent positive messages of encouragement, well wishes, and even gifts for my travels. It's been a pretty amazing experience in itself to re-connect with old friends, and make new friends who have been so welcoming and allowing me into their homes (Kovacs, you were a great roomie). Support during this time has been overwhelming and I can't tell you all how grateful I am!

Cheers, wish me luck, and don't be surprised if I need a couch to sleep on :)

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